Pengertian Kata Ganti Pronoun Serta Contoh Kalimatnya ~ Kata
ganti adalah sebuah kata yang digunakan untuk menggantikan nama
seseorang,benda,tempat dan binatang.
100 Macam-Macam Kata Ganti (Pronoun)
I (ai) :Saya
You (yu) :
We (wi) :Kita
They (dhe) :Mereka
He (hi) :
She (syi) :Dia/perempuan
It (it) :Dia/benda
Contoh Kalimat Pronoun Dalam Bahsa Inggris :
A. Contoh I (saya)
- I am a student of SMPN I Bandar Lampung
- I am a new English Teacher
- I am go to Market now
- I am watching Television
- I am Cooking in kitchen
B. Contoh
You (kamu)
a. You
are happy
b. You
are a student of SMA 3 Bandar Lampung
c. You
are Smart
d. You
are a good Team
C. Contoh We ( Kita)
a. We
are go to the zoo last week
b. We
are Study english now
c. We
are fishing in the river
d. We
are swimmining
D. Contoh
They (Mereka)
a. They
are go to cantten
b. They
are army
c. They
are dence in the auditoriun
d. They
are a nurse
E. Contoh
a. He
is my boy friend
b. He
is a uncle
c. He
is handsome
d. He
is a good Teacher
F. Contoh
She (dia/perempuan)
a. She
is a sister
b. She
is a my girl friend
c. She
is a good Singer
d. She
is a beautiful
G. Contoh
It (benda)
a. It
is a bag
b. It
is my lurer
c. It
is a book
d. It
is a table
mudah-mudahan artikel ini bermanfaat untuk kamu yang mungkin saat ini sedang mencari macam-macam kata ganti (pronoun) dalam bahasa inggris. Jangan lupa baca juga artikel penting lainya seperti Penjelasan Lengkang The Simple Present Tense dan juga Penjelasan Lengkap, Rumus, Serta Contoh Kalimat Present Continous Tense.