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1208 Contoh Short Messages (Pesan Pendek)

Pengertian Dan Fungsi Short Messages ~ Short message atau pesan pendek dikirimkan untuk memberi tahu tentang sesorang tentang suatu hal.
Contoh Short Messages (Pesan Pendek)
Pesan pendek dapat ditulisdi secangkir kertas maupun dikirim melalui SMS (dalam bahsa inggris disebut “text”) Pesan pendek berisi nama orang yang dituju,dan isi pesan, Isi pesan ditulis secara jelas dan mudah dimengerti oleh penerima pesan.

Jika pesan pendek ditulis pada secangkir kertas,kita kita meletakannya ditempat yang mudah dibaca oleh penerima pesan.

Berikut Beberapa Contoh Short Messages   : 

Dear Aira
Please will for me in the lobby after school today.We need to make a plan for our basketball club outing next month. We have to be ready with the proposal before the general meeting with all members next week.
Don’t forget to ask Hasfi and Pras to come along. Assenior members of the club,they might come up with brilliant ideas.



Dear Mom
Sorry I will be home late today because my basketball team has to practieuntil late this afternoon. Mody,defta leni and monica are with me. We need to practice a lot for the national tournament next week. I promise to be home right after rthe practice.


Dear Leoni
I put your dictonory on your desk . Sorry I could not give it to you personally because I had to meet Mr.Asgan to to submit my paper. Thanks for lending it to me and John.

Your friend


To    : Denta
Don’t forget to join us in the englis Club meeting this evening/ We are going to discuss our plan to celebrate our school anniversary, Mia,nury,arif,panji and gadis will be there too.please,be punctual.see you there.\

Your friend


Itulah beberapa contoh short messages dalam bahasa inggris, mudah-mudahan artikel ini dapat membantu dan jangan lupa baca juga artikel penting lainya seperti  Penjelasan Lengkap Tentang Kata Ganti (Pronoun) Dalam Bahasa Inggris dan juga Pengertian dan Fungsi Wh Question. Semoga bermanfaat sahabat panduan bahasa inggris.

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